About the Project

I have been a member of The Society for One-Place Studies for ten years and, during that time, I have often thought about undertaking a study. I have been impressed by the depth and breadth of the studies being undertaken by the members and have felt that I do not have the time to undertake a study that measures up to those other have done.

Several years ago I purchased  and read Janet Few's book, Putting your Ancestors in their Place: a guide to one place studies. This excellent guide didn't bolster my confidence. In spite of this and the depth of studies like that of Kim Baldacchino I have been toying with the idea of registering a study.

My reasons are:

  • This statement appears on the Society for One-Place Studies website "There is no fixed, rigid way to carry out a One-Place Study – the beauty of it is that you have full freedom and flexibility to shape the Study to suit your methodology, Place, and information available", So I can do it my way!
  • Australia is a big country and the number of one-place studies being undertaken here is abysmal. I want to let the world know about my little area of  "The Lucky Country" I salute my genimates who are already undertaking studies.
  • I believe that doing something is better than doing nothing at all.
  • As a newcomer to my local area I want to learn about its history and people. 
  • Since moving to Carey Bay I have amassed quite a collection of genealogical data on the people who live here. 
  • As Carey Bay, on the shores of Lake Macquarie, is such a pretty place I have amassed quite a collection of photos of the area.
I will be registering my One-Place Study of Carey Bay, NSW, Australia as soon as I have this blog set up and published with some information. The study is titled Carey Bay 2283 : People and Places - Past and Present.

In undertaking this study I want to pay my respects to elders past and present of the Awabakal lands who were the original inhabitants of this area and to those indigenous Australians who currently reside in Carey Bay..

As there is little information on the history of  the Carey Bay area prior to British colonisation my study will focus on the last two hundred years since white settlers and missionaries came to the area. 

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