Thursday 25 April 2024

I did it!

Just two nights ago I bit the bullet and registered a One-Place Study.

Over the past weeks I have visited the OPS (Society for One-Place Studies) website several times to see how the published sites were set up and learn about the registration process.  I opted to use Blogger, a product I have used for nearly twenty years. I then spent too many hours playing with the set-up of my site even though I know that I can easily modify it as my study grows. I will have a series of static pages accessed from a top menu bar, my blog posts will appear on the Home Page

Registering the study on the OPS site was painless. It was comforting to receive an almost instant reply from the webmaster indicating that my application had been received and would be evaluated and, if I had ticked all the correct boxes, would be posted in the coming days.

The efficient webmaster emailed yesterday and indicated that my study had been approved and was live on the OPS site. I guess I can't chicken out now. I spent a few hours yesterday adding a Timeline to the site. Looking through the list which contains links to many newspaper stories from Trove gives readers an indication of Carey Bay life in earlier years.

Today I saw a notification from the Society on Twitter X telling the world about my fledgling study. Thanks to those genimates who have followed the link to like or visit my site.

From my home I can watch the activity in the bay so my posts may be littered with images of life on the Lake.

Dusk in Carey Bay

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I would especially like to hear from people with connections to or information about Carey Bay