Friday 26 April 2024

No weather woes

We are currently about half way through autumn. Winter in Australia and therefore Carey Bay kicks off on the first of June.

Although we have had several rainy days lately the temperatures have been mild. While it felt cool today the BOM tells me that it was a pleasant 21.8c. The forecast for the next ten days has maximums ranging between 20 and 26c. and minimums between 10 and 13c.  When the sun comes out and the rain stays away the conditions make for comfortable living. Similarly the weather in spring is very pleasant an usually has plenty of sunshine. 

As we head towards the Winter Equinox our days are getting shorter. Today the sun rose at 6:23am and set at 5:19pm. This year in New South Wales our daylight saving concluded on Sunday April 7 and will recommence on  Sunday October 6. Opinions are divided on whether this is a good policy. In Carey Bay it gives families more daylight to enjoy the many outdoor activities our Lake provides. 

From time to time I will post more information on how the weather affects life in Carey Bay. 

It's fine clear night in Carey Bay today (26/4/2024 at 7:30pm)

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